Location of Twinza Oil assets and offices
![Portfolio Overview](/img/containers/assets/images/pages/twinza_portfolio_map.png/9dfab063f7db6b41a0cb3a194949aeb5.png)
Twinza’s operations are focused in Papua New Guinea. Twinza is the operator of all acreage that it has an interest in. Active licenses are PPL 328 and PPL 584 in offshore Papua New Guinea. Twinza maintains a regional office in Port Moresby, with technical and commercial services provided from the Singapore office and other locations as required. Twinza has its corporate office in Perth, Australia.
PNG is recognised as one of the world’s most resource-rich countries. It boasts significant natural resources which are currently in various stages of development. It has high prospects for the development of energy projects including hydrocarbon deposits of which a large number are found across the nation, both onshore and offshore. The Pasca A PNG gas asset is the foundation of Twinza’s portfolio, and is at a point where significant tangible value has been identified and reserves have been certified. Twinza is working to bring the field into production. The field's infrastructure has been designed to act as a hub for aggregation gas in the Gulf of Papua. Twinza is already in the process of identifying drillable prospects in the acreage surrounding the Pasca A field with an eye to growing the gas resource base in the future.